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Chairman's Chat - April 2019


Updated: Jan 21, 2020

Dear Ringers,

As I write this, there are definite signs on spring outside - bulbs flowering, blossom on trees, grass growing (and needing cutting!) - and today I saw a blackbird collecting twigs for a nest. Spring also brings the National Rally which, depending on when you read this, will either be about to take place or just have happened. This time last year I set the region a challenge for as many of you as possible to attend the National Rally next month. And you have risen to the challenge. Almost 50% of the ringers registered are from the South East Region and over 30 teams are being represented. Many of you have also kindly loaned your equipment or your time - thank you. I hope that everyone attending will have an enjoyable weekend and will come away with new or improved skills or knowledge, and having made some new friends in the handbell ringing world. I will be launching a new challenge once the National Rally is over - look out for it in the next newsletter!

At the beginning of February, we were definitely in the throes of winter and, unfortunately, had to cancel the Benson Relax'n'Ring day that had been planned. We hope to be able to run this later in the year, so watch out for information in the next newsletter. The AGM rally was extremely well attended, and it was a delight to welcome Fred and Nancy Gramann and the ACP ringers once more. The raffle raised money for a very worthy cause and was greatly appreciated, by the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice.

Also at the AGM was the book of photos created from the travels of the Golden Jubilee Bears. Those there were able to browse through the book and see the teams represented. The book will be at other rallies and regional events, so hopefully everyone will be able to see it. At least three teams have already been reminded that they didn't send me their photos - and so I am planning a second edition! If you are one of these teams, and would like to appear the in the next book, please do send your photos to me.

You will notice from the rally form for Sanderstead that there is a new request on the form. In order to comply with increasing regulations at many halls we use, we are asking you to hand a list of those in your team attending the event to one of the organisers on arrival. Please do prepare this in advance, as it will save a lot of time on the day.

The SERBO concert on Sunday 5th May is an opportunity for a lovely Sunday afternoon listening to a wide range of music in the setting of the Harlequin Theatre in Redhill - it would be great to play to a full theatre!

I also hope to see many of you at the Guildford Festival Service in October. Den has told me that there is still space available, so if your team want to take part but haven't yet returned the form, please do so as soon as possible.

Happy Ringing!


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Registered Charity numbers 298945 (England) and SC038918 (Scotland)

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