Dear Ringers,
Firstly, I must apologise for the lateness in getting this newsletter out to you. I hope you are able circulate this to your team members before Christmas! On the plus side, because of the delay in getting this out, we have our first two Christmas Together reports which I was able to add – one from St James Weybridge and one from The Wandle Ringers. I know there are other events happening well into the New Year, so hopefully we will have more reports in the next newsletter, along with some photos and writeups of other things you and your teams have been up to over the Christmas period.
This is always a busy time for handbell ringers, and I thought I would take this opportunity to share a couple of photos from a recent event that I was involved in at Founder’s Hall for their Christmas meal. We had a room where we got ready (and were provided with lovely refreshments, as we weren’t ringing until well into the evening), and when Martin had laid out the bells, we couldn’t resist taking our phones out, as they looked picture perfect (and very shiny – thank you Martin!).
I have also added in a few of the many photos I took during Ring Something Simple 4 and the Read and Ring session, which was the first of our ‘SERBO 25’ events. I have to say that the best photo is not of the ringing, but of everyone studiously marking up their music – a lesson for all of us here!
There will more SERBO 25 events next year, including another Read and Ring and some workshops, and of course SERBO’s concert in May, which will include many pieces we have rung over the year. We hope you past SERBO members will be able to join us for this celebration.
If you would like to help us in organising rallies and other events across the region, then please do consider joining the committee. Please do get in touch with myself or Sandra if you would like to find out more about what is involved in being a member of the South East Region Committee.
Amidst all the celebrations at this time of year, we have lost some longstanding members of our region recently.
I must sadly report that Wendy Rowland passed away in November. Wendy was both a ringer and organiser and was a member of the regional committee for many years in various roles, including chair. This photo was taken in 2015 when she was made an Honoured Member of the South East Region in recognition of the work she had done (and was still doing) in our region. Many of us will have memories of her, and our thoughts are with Keith and their family at this time.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a peaceful Christmas and look forward to seeing many of you at events in 2025.