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Chairman's Chat January 2019


Updated: Jan 21, 2020

Dear Ringers,

Happy New Year! (I hope it's not too late to say that - after all, it is still January, just!) I hope you have managed to survive both the Christmas ringing and all the bugs and lurgies going round at the moment.

It was lovely to see so many of you at the Birthday Rally earlier this month. I would like to say a particular well done to Hampstead Norreys for coping with the last minute change of hall and the logistical nightmare it presented in loading and unloading cars. I hope you all enjoyed the day. If you want to attend rallies, but no-one else (or only 1 or 2) from your team wants to go - don't let this stop you. Have a read of Sue Quarendon's article where she mentions that she goes to most rallies on her own - and I know she thoroughly enjoys attending them all!

In the latest newsletter you will find the application form for this year's Guildford Festival Service. Following the success of running it 'in one day' last year, we are doing the same this time. Unfortunately we couldn't repeat the summer timing, so we are back to October, but hopefully that won't put people off joining us. Remember, the spaces are filled on a first come, first served basis, so get your forms back to Den Netley as quickly as you can if you want to take part in the ringing this year (and please note Den's new email address!).

By the time you read this, some of us will have enjoyed a relaxing day of ringing at Benson and we will be heading to the AGM Rally. This year it is being hosted by Rowland Ringers at Alderwood School, Aldershot. Due to the delay in getting the newsletter out before Christmas, many teams will not have received the form for this rally before the holiday. As a result of this, many haven't yet applied and there is still plenty of space available. An extra incentive to attend is that we will be joined once again by Fred Gramann and his team from the American Church in Paris. Last time they wowed us with their ringing, and I'm sure they will do the same again. If you have mislaid the form, then you can find the details on our website. I look forward to seeing many of you there.

Finally, the National Rally is fast approaching! Thank you to those who have already offered bells and other equipment. We are still looking for bells and foam. If you are attending as a team and taking part in the massed ringing, we would be extremely grateful if you would allow us to use your bells and foam for the workshops on Saturday. I'm sure you don't want to turn up for a workshop to find that there isn't enough equipment for everyone to take part! If you are not attending, but can lend your bells or foam for the weekend, please get in touch with me., If you are able to do this, but are wondering how you might get it to Windsor, please let me know!

Happy Ringing!


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