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Chairman's Chat October 2018


Updated: Jan 21, 2020

Dear Ringers, As I sit down to write this, the sun is shining outside and the bells are ringing inside as around seventy ringers have travelled to take part in the East Kent Rally in its new home in Headcorn. A day of massed ringing, party pieces and a delicious cream tea was enjoyed by all.

At both the East Kent Rally and the Summer Soiree, it was lovely to see teams attending their first Regional Rally and performing a solo. If your team has not attended a rally before, or has only joined in with the massed ringing, the relaxed atmosphere of a rally is a perfect place to take that first step. In February next year we are planning a rally which would be perfect for such a step called Relax 'n Ring. There is a short article with more information later in the newsletter and an application form. [And those who just love going to rallies are more than welcome too!]

Both the East Kent Rally and the upcoming rally at Fordingbridge, where we are going to "Dance into Autumn", also encourage teams from other regions to join us. All Saints Maldon travelled across the water from Essex to Kent, and demonstrated that you don't need many ringers to be able to perform, ringing music written for just 8 bells.

I'm sure we are all busy preparing for a busy Christmas season when our instrument always seems to be in demand (quite often at the last minute!). Also during this time, your membership renewals will be arriving. Please, please, please check them carefully (see Sandra's article in the newsletter) - then we can make sure that your newsletters get to the right person, you get your individual copies of Reverberations and we can contact teams quickly and easily.

And that brings me on to next year. Do have a look at the diary near the back of the newsletter and put dates into your diaries, maybe even mention them at rehearsals, particularly if there are any which are taking place near to you. Then you can keep your eye out for the relevant forms. The birthday rally form is included with this newsletter. This event, which is completely free for members, is being hosted next January by Hampstead Norreys at Bradfield College. Get you forms back quickly to guarantee a place!

Talking of getting forms back, bookings are steadily coming in for the National Rally in April next year. Workshop details will be coming out soon to those that have already booked - places for the most popular ones go quickly, so make sure you have applied for the rally online or by sending your form to me. If you haven't been to a National Rally before, take the plunge and join us. It won't be in our region again for another 8 years?

I hope to see you at an event soon.


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Registered Charity numbers 298945 (England) and SC038918 (Scotland)

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