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Chair's Chat September 2021

Dear Ringers,

It’s so good to hear about teams being back ringing again – and our first ‘back to ringing’ regional rally! Thanks to Geoff and Mandy for providing a write up and photos. Although I wasn’t able to be there, Sandra and Martin were in attendance and reported that everyone enjoyed themselves!

Our next diary event is our postponed regional AGM. This will take place WITHOUT a rally – so just the meeting itself. The meeting is more of a formality. Your regional committee and officers have agreed to stay in post (as elected in 2020) until 2022, and the meeting is taking place to formalize this. You are more than welcome to join us at Sanderstead on October 30th, but please note that there is NO RALLY or RINGING on this occasion.

If you would like to host an event next year – maybe just your team and a few local ones – please do get in touch with myself or Sandra and we will give you any help and guidance you need.

Enclosed with this newsletter (well, electronically attached!) is the application form for the South East Region Bell Orchestra. Rather than contact all those who were in SERBO last March, Keith and Sandra have decided to adopt the ‘blank slate’ approach. Anyone who would like to take part in the audition and first rehearsal day in November needs to complete the form and send it back to Keith (or put the information into an email!). It is up to you whether you feel ready to take part in this or not, please do not feel pressured into joining, even if you have previously been a member. The form is also available on the South East Region Website.

We have received details of Alan Collings celebration service. While his family have tried to contact all his friends and fellow ringers, they want to ensure everyone who knew him has been invited, so have asked us to share this invitation with anyone who might wish to attend.

Finally, please send us your photos (with or without an article) for the next edition of your team starting back to rehearsals – it would be great to see how much ringing is now going on in the region!


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