Dear Ringers,
It has been lovely to attend two events this autumn – Ring Something Simple Again and the Sway ‘Together’ Rally – both of which have full write-ups in this edition of the newsletter. It was particularly pleasing to hear of new ringers joining teams – I hope they enjoyed their first event(s) and that we will see them at many more events next year.
Obviously, there are still things in the diary this side of Christmas. We have UK Bronze at the end of the month, which many ringers from the region are attending. If you are planning on coming the closing concert – please note the change of venue to the LONDON CROYDON AERODROME HOTEL, Croydon.
In November we have the first rehearsal and audition day for the South East Region Bell Orchestra. I know we have some new ringers coming for the day – please remember that the day is as much about you finding out what ringing in SERBO is like, so please try to relax and enjoy the day. None of us have rung in the orchestra since 2020, so it will take all of us a while to find our feet this year!
Most teams will, I’m sure, have Christmas bookings this year. We would also encourage you to join with other local teams for a ‘Christmas Together’ event. More details further on in the newsletter.
Looking forward to 2023, we have a number of events already in the diary. The first of these will be the January Birthday Rally – the first since 2020 – which is being hosted by Winkfield St Marys at Charters School. This event is completely free to HRGB members (and yes – we do check!) and while the hall is big, this is historically a popular event, so get your booking form in quickly!
Following that will be our AGM Rally – full details will be out in January with the next newsletter, but please consider whether you know someone who you would like considered as an ‘Honoured Member’. See the article towards the end of the newsletter for more information.
In April, some of us will be venturing to Scotland for the National Rally in Stirling (booking information has just come out by email). We have been asked as a region to provide a team for the Saturday evening concert. To help the committee in our considerations, I would be extremely grateful if you could let me know if either:
- your team are intending to attend as a full or almost full team
- You are attending as an individual and would be interested in being part of a regional team formed specifically for this occasion.
Our next committee meeting is on November 6th, so if you could let me know by then, we can discuss it at the meeting.
Please do check the diary at the end of the newsletter for all events already planned for next year. And if you would like to plan an event (small or large), please do get in touch!
I look forward to hearing all about your Christmas concerts and ‘Together’ events in the next newsletter.
