Dear Ringers,
Happy New Year!
It has been lovely to read about all your ‘Christmas Together’ events. I have received some videos too, which will be appearing on the Facebook page over the next few weeks. If you haven’t sent anything in yet (or like The Wandle Ringers, it got postponed due to the weather), please do send something in for the next newsletter – anything from a full article to a couple of photos and sentences would be most welcome!
I hosted my own version of ‘Christmas Together’ between Christmas and New Year. One of the things I do outside of my teaching job is a tutor on South London Music Days courses and one of our ‘unique selling points’ which makes us different from other orchestral courses is that every student gets to try handbell ringing. Many of the tutors don’t get a go as while I’m working with some of the students, they are working with others in different ensemble groups, so we met for an afternoon of handbell ringing. We began with an arrangement of ‘Suo Gan’, then we had a go at ‘Together’ before going up tempo for ‘Down by the Riverside’.

We videoed everything as well, so if you follow our Facebook page you might find one or two of these being shared there.
As I write this, I have spent a lovely day at the Birthday Rally, with massed ringing, some team performances and, of course, lots of catching up with plenty of cake!

A full report with photos (some are already up on Facebook) will be in the next newsletter, but here is a sneak peak at the hall full of ringers.

Finally, a couple of reminders from the recent mailing about the Spring Rally and AGM. The form for this was sent to team correspondents. If your registered correspondent has changed on your recent renewal, this may not have yet been updated. Please make sure that all information is checked so that we can continue to send you the newsletter and other regional information.
Also in the mailing was the form for committee nominations. If you are someone who likes to know what is going on before others or want to be involved in making sure events cover the whole of the region, please think about joining us. If you are unsure and want to chat through what is involved, then please contact either myself or Sandra.
Let’s hope we can have a fabulous year of ringing in 2023!
