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Chair's Chat April 2022


Dear Ringers,

It was lovely to see many of you at our Sanderstead Rally and AGM at

the end of February – and we certainly made a joyous sound, once we

had got used to ringing together again (and watching the conductors!)/

And just last weekend, a number of South East members journeyed to

Sheffield for the National Rally, hosted by the NE Region. We had

waited a long time for this, as it was originally due to take place in

2020, but it was really good to be able to spend time with fellow

ringers and there was plenty of ringing and catching up!

If you have been unsure about joining regional events, I hope the

article about the Sanderstead event will give you some reassurance.

There are spaces in some of the upcoming events – in particular the

Celebration Rally at Headcorn in May and the Guildford Festival

Service in June – please do contact Sue (for Headcorn) or Sandra (for

Guildford) if you would like to join us.

One of the pieces we will be ringing in Headcorn is an arrangement of

Crimond/Now is the Hour which we rang in the massed ringing at the

Sheffield National Rally in celebration of the life Don Bedford who

died earlier this year. Those of you who regularly attended the East

Kent Rally, will have met Don who always travelled to support his

brother Philip in his organising of this event and so it seems only

fitting that we should both remember him and celebrate his life on

this occasion. All Don and Philip’s music is now available from HRGB

Sales via the online shop.

Another of the massed ringing pieces at many of our events over the

next few months will be ‘Celebration 70!’, written by Sandra especially

for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations (if your team

correspondent hasn’t received a copy of, please do let me know –

there have been a few gremlins in the distribution system!). Make

sure you read of the information page in this newsletter for details of

the HRGB and SE region competitions – and don’t forget to let HRGB

know if you are taking part in an event on or near the celebration

weekend itself. In addition to entering them into the competition,

please send any photos or videos to me, so I can put them on our

Facebook page, as well as to Valerie for the newsletter.

Coming in the next newsletter will be an article about the South East

Region Bell Orchestra and also an update on paying for events by

BACS which we are trialling for the Guildford Festival Service. Let’s

see if all your photos and articles can make it a bumper ‘Back to

Ringing’ edition!

Happy Ringing!


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