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Dear Ringers,

Looking at the weather we have had over the past couple of weeks, it seems

hard to believe we are already in July, but schools are breaking up for the

summer holidays, so we must be! I hope some of you are able to enjoy the

lifting of some restrictions and getting out a bit more (although I appreciate

for some who are still shielding, this is still a few weeks away). Many will have

appreciated a visit to the hairdresser or barber, maybe a socially distanced

visit to a friend or relative or even ventured to a restaurant or bar. I must

confess that I have no desire for the latter, although we did have a music

department picnic last week – the first time we have all seen each other (other

than in online meetings) since the middle of March!

It is clear from the articles we have received that people are generally keeping

busy – learning new skills and fundraising seem to be the main things I have

heard lots about! Kate Hanks and Cliff Blundell have been brave enough to write

about their endeavours. If you have anything which you would like to share with

the rest of the region, please do let Valerie know. It can be as simple as a photo

with a couple of sentences, or a poem, or a picture or anything that can be

printed - and it doesn’t even have to be handbell related!

Some of you may have seen the information from the last HRGB NEC meeting

posted on social media or on the HRGB website with regard to National Events.

Any of you already signed up for either UK Bronze or this year’s National Rally

should have received an email from the organisers of the event, but for

everyone else

“The NEC decided that national events - the National Rally, UK

Bronze, NRRW and the Musical Directors' Weekend Seminar -

should all be put back by two years.  So, the next national event to

take place will be the national rally in 2022.”

For regional events, we will continue to follow the government guidelines and

also any guidelines published by venues. The Headcorn rally in October has now

been postponed, possibly until the Spring, The Sway rally, also in October, is

currently under review, but please do let Kate know if you would be interested

in attending. Expressing an interest at this point does mean that you will

already be on the list for a postponed event and the organiser may well contact

you before the new date and form are sent out in the newsletter. You will see

from the diary that the SERBO audition day has also been postponed.

So with nothing happening nationally or regionally, some of you will be wondering

about when your team can get back to ringing! At the NEC meeting, a small

group was set up who will draw up some guidelines for teams about rehearsals

and performances. While we wait for this, I do know that some teams have had

socially distanced outdoor rehearsals. There is also some guidance on the

Malmark website which is helpful for those teams using Malmark bells. As soon

as the HRGB guidance is available, it will be posted on all websites and social

media pages. In the meantime, please ensure you are following the government

guidelines. I think my over-riding thought is that if you have to question

whether it is safe, it is probably best not to do it yet!

Until we can meet together again, keep in touch with each other and stay safe.

[And in the meantime, here is one of my favourite quotes from The Boy, the

Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charles Mackesy]

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Registered Charity numbers 298945 (England) and SC038918 (Scotland)

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